Throughout this advanced project, I have regularly gained audience feedback which has enabled me to progress within the development of the project. The audience feedback has helped me from start to finish as I received constructed criticism that has made me change elements in my product to make it more professional and superior. Without the feedback our final tasks wouldn't have been half as good.
Our teachers helped us by regularly having group discussions to see our progress within our ancillary’s and music videos. As a group we focused on the criticism that was giving to us for the music video as creating a music video was very new to us. But also giving us advice on things like ghosting effect, this helped us develop a better video. As the narrative just flowed straight through we was given criticism as to this being very boring so the teachers advised us to use jump cuts which would look more effective.
Here is audience feedback:
Here is audience feedback:
Narrative: It was clear through feedback from audience that the narrative was intriguing for the audience as one of the comments was how realistic it was portrayed. They were lured in by the effectiveness of the narrative and how they thought about the song in a completely different context for example; the pregnancy. As the audience we either school students or adults they understood that the narrative was about separation and the audience said that they were moved by this as they could relate to every aspect.
Camera Shots/Editing:The ghosting effect was mentioned from the audience and said how effective this looked throughout the whole music video. The jump cuts was also mentioned by the audience as they said it helped to break up the band shots to the narrative so that there was more of a mixture but it also gave you time to think about the narrative. It was mentioned how the shots of the band were dark which emphasised the mood and feeling of what was going on in the narritive. Lastly, it was said how the use of camera shots such as close-ups and zooms out of the band worked will with the genre and got it 'Bang on'.
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