Tuesday 12 February 2013

Style guide

The style guide below is a collection of font styles, sizes, colours, layouts etc. That will run across the group’s project. The reason that we are creating a style guide is because we want all of our products to relate, this makes it easier for the audience to recognise our work and relate them back to the video.
The font that we will be using for our body copy is the ‘Prestige Elite STD’ and the size will be appropriate to the product that is being created. The font that we will be using for the subheadings is ‘Prestige Elite Std’ again but use bold or italic. A size that is suitable to the product. The reason that we have chosen to use this font is because it is similar to the font style used on the logo, this means that the sense of a typewriter is followed throughout the project and becomes a convention of our band.
The colour scheme for the house style that we will be using across the project is black and white, this is because the colours contrast with each other and stand out more to the audience. The music is quite mellow and not a very upbeat song, the lyrics are about a couple just trying to make the relationship work. The colours represent the narrative. Black and white are contrasting colours, they show two sides to the story.
Props – The props include a pregnancy test, the reason that the pregnancy test is being used is to show the loss of innocence; teddy bear, the reason that we are using the bear is to show the childhood, the innocence.
Costumes – It is going to be black and white. This will be white shirts, black shirts, black leather jacket etc.  The idea is to have the two members of the couple, one in black and one in white. As the story moves towards the conclusion, we are having the members slowly change to wearing grey, a middle colour that represents that life is not black and white. The band members will be wearing black and white throughout the whole video, showing they are out of the narrative but part of the story. While I was evaluating the pop videos I found that the band members wore black and white, this helps to position the video in the genre by following the conventions.
Locations – House, the house needs to look like a family house, owned by parents. This makes it more realistic, as it follows real life and shows how young the people are. Car, the reason that we are using a car to show the boy drinking being depressed, instead of a bar is because it is more isolated. It emphasises the feeling of depression and sadness. Bedroom, we are going to be using a bedroom, as it is another way of showing isolation, it also makes adds to the sense of innocence and childhood. We are going to be using an isolated area for band shots, this is to help the audience to separate the band from the story.
Photography – The photography is going to include low key lighting, with the three band members next to each other, behind each other etc. We are using low key lighting for the photography as it makes the photo more dramatic, creating intriguing and appealing shadows. The shadows also make the features on the models face stand out, making the photo more attractive. From the research undertaken on the genre, it is also a convention used by many bands.

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